Here’s a scary stat — did you know that almost 80 million people in the US are pre-diabetic? And that there are an alarming number of children who have been diagnosed with diabetes. And it’s getting worse.
If you’re not sure what pre-diabetes is, according to CDiabetes Magazine, “It’s is a condition in which your blood glucose or A1C levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered true diabetes. But, it does put you at high risk for getting diabetes.”
I’m one of the 80 million Americans with pre-diabetes. And it scares me so much. I’ve been officially considered pre-diabetic for over 4 1/2 years and take a drug to make sure my insulin levels stay level. I actually make too much. During my last pregnancy in 2010, I had to go on insulin for almost 3 months and it was awful. They couldn’t get my dosage correct and my blood sugar would plummet at 2 or 3 am. Luckily, after I gave birth, I went off insulin and have been able to maintain myself.
Greatest risk signs of diabetes? Having someone in your immediate family with diabetes, being overweight, and even having gestational diabetes during a pregnancy, means it may come back later in life.
So, I’m trying to make my odds and my family’s odds of getting it lower. We are trying to make sure we get active, eat right, and watch our sweets intake. I know that my children watch what I do, so I do my best to keep up with them, as we run around the park.
For more info on Cdiabtes Mag, go to the current issue here.
Thank you to CDiabetes mag for sponsoring this conversation.
The post Do You Know How to Prevent Diabetes? appeared first on The Mama Maven Blog.